[Nam Trang Ánh] ¡Rotura! ¡CNN será SLAPPED con una demanda de $ 250 MILLONES por frotis de Covington!

CNN ahora enfrenta una demanda de $ 250 millones por su difamación de los niños de Covington en el enfrentamiento viral en la Marcha por la Vida en Washington DC.

De Fox News:
CNN is likely to be hit with a massive lawsuit worth more than $250 million over alleged "vicious" and "direct attacks" on Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, his lawyer has told Fox News.
Lawyer L. Lin Wood discussed his decision to sue CNN for its reporting and coverage of his client during an interview that will air on Fox News Channel's "Life, Liberty & Levin" on Sunday at 10 p.m. ET.
"CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. And CNN goes into millions of individuals' homes," Wood told Fox News host and best-selling author Mark Levin.
"They really went after Nicholas with the idea that he was part of a mob that was attacking the Black Hebrew Israelites, yelling racist slurs at the Black Hebrew Israelites. Totally false.
"Now you say you've seen the tape; if you took the time to look at the full context of what happened that day, Nicholas Sandmann did absolutely nothing wrong. He was, as I've said to others, he was the only adult in the room. But you have a situation where CNN couldn't resist the idea that here's a guy with a young boy, that Make America Great Again cap on. So they go after him."
Wood continued: "The CNN folks were online on Twitter at 7 a.m retweeting the little one-minute propaganda piece that had been put out. … They're out there right away going after this young boy. And they maintain it for at least two days. Why didn't they stop and just take an hour and look through the Internet and find the truth and then report it? Maybe do that before you report the lies."
Aquí está el video del abogado hablando de la demanda:
Guau. ¿Tal vez eso les enseñará a estar de acuerdo con una historia sin verificar los hechos? Pero probablemente no lo hará. Hay muchos ejemplos en los que muestran su parcialidad en la forma en que informan, este es solo uno de los pocos casos en que las víctimas han sido lo suficientemente valientes como para devolver el golpe por una vez. ¡Bien por ellos!

Posted By Trang Ánh Nam to Nam Trang Ánh at 3/09/2019 07:02:00 PM

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Rand Paul reportedly to vote against Trump declaring national emergency at border

Breaking! Rand Paul makes the DECIDING vote on Trump’s national emergency

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and other Republican lawmakers are breaking rank with their own party and supporting a resolution to overturn President Trump's national emergency declaration over border wall funding.

"I can't vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn't been appropriated by Congress," Paul said, according to the Bowling Green Daily News. "We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn't authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it's a dangerous thing."


Of course, this is all political and it’s ultimately meaningless because Trump will veto it, and the opponents of his national emergency don’t have enough votes to overcome it. Still, it will hurt him politically a little bit. Not much really. On the other hand, he really needs to expand his support beyond his base, or we’re gonna see a replay of the midterms… also, #MAGA!!!