[Nam Trang Ánh] "Para mí, el capitalismo es irredimible" y otras tonterías que AOC dijo este fin de semana

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sigue fortaleciéndose al decir la mierda estúpidamente abyecta que los demócratas realmente creen pero que han sido demasiado tímidos para admitir en público.

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Por ejemplo, esta idiotez sobre el capitalismo:
"Capitalism is an ideology of capital — the most important thing is the concentration of capital and to seek and maximize profit," she said during an interview at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, according to Bloomberg News.
"To me, capitalism is irredeemable," she added, arguing that capitalism's goals come at a cost to people and the environment, Bloomberg reported.
The congresswoman, who has described herself as a democratic socialist, added during her interview that "we should be scared."
"Just as there's all this fearmongering that government is going to take over every corporation and government is going to take over every business or every form of production, we should be scared right now because corporations have taken over our government," she said.
Sorprendentemente e increíblemente estúpido. Incluso algunos en el partido demócrata están rechazando este extremismo socialista porque se ha vuelto muy malo. Y ella tiene un título en economía! Quiero decir, mire, hay muchas cosas que criticar acerca de qué forma de capitalismo es la mejor, pero pensar simplemente que es "irredimible" es ... deplorable.

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Ella estaba en SXSW y obtuvo el respaldo del hombre del falso científico del clima Bill Nye, porque nada dice credibilidad como un artista de niños aspirante a científico:
¿Tal vez él la ayudó a recrear la terrible explosión / tragedia del lanzamiento del Challenger?
Y dijo que la gente debería estar feliz cuando los robots los reemplazan porque el gobierno los cuidará porque ahora hay recursos "infinitos".
Ella es una completa idiota. Lo que es aterrador es que muchos piensan que es brillante. Innumerables imbéciles se tragan y regurgitan sus inane mesitudes porque nuestra sociedad los lava con la propaganda de izquierda. Va a ser duro navegar por el país por delante.

Bueno, ahora que me he deprimido, voy a tomar un trago fuerte. Espero que todos hayan tenido un gran fin de semana!
Y tener un hilo abierto, con este comentario forraje:
Uh, claro Jan.

Posted By Trang Ánh Nam to Nam Trang Ánh at 3/11/2019 06:42:00 PM

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Rand Paul reportedly to vote against Trump declaring national emergency at border

Breaking! Rand Paul makes the DECIDING vote on Trump’s national emergency

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and other Republican lawmakers are breaking rank with their own party and supporting a resolution to overturn President Trump's national emergency declaration over border wall funding.

"I can't vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn't been appropriated by Congress," Paul said, according to the Bowling Green Daily News. "We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn't authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it's a dangerous thing."


Of course, this is all political and it’s ultimately meaningless because Trump will veto it, and the opponents of his national emergency don’t have enough votes to overcome it. Still, it will hurt him politically a little bit. Not much really. On the other hand, he really needs to expand his support beyond his base, or we’re gonna see a replay of the midterms… also, #MAGA!!!