[Nam Trang Ánh] La policía de Nueva York dice que el ataque del spray de pimienta en el metro a personas blancas puede ser un CRIMEN DE ODIO

Una mujer negra ha estado atacando al azar a personas en el metro de la ciudad de Nueva York, y la policía de Nueva York lo está investigando como un crimen de odio porque todas las víctimas son blancas.

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Más de NBC Connecticut:
Police confirm they are investigating a bizarre Friday afternoon attack, in which a woman sprayed seven people in Manhattan with an unknown substance, as a possible hate crime.
The female suspect is black, and all of the victims are white. The NYPD's Hate Crime Task Force was investigating.
Police said the woman sprayed victims with an "unknown chemical substance" that victims believe to be mace or pepper spray.
The woman first targeted a subway station in Harlem at 125th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue on Friday around noon. One man was hit in his eye at close range.
Authorities say she then left the station and sprayed five more people on the street.
Minutes later, a woman was sprayed in the station at West 96th Street and Broadway.
"She just walked up to me, literally walked up, maced me and kept walking," victim Joshua Smith told News 4 New York.
Este es un buen desarrollo. Hemos visto demasiados ataques contra personas de raza blanca que los policías investigan, pero no ponen la misma etiqueta de un crimen de odio, cuando es bastante obvio que son atacados por su raza. Y es absurdo que la gente piense que la retórica de Trump anima a la gente a la violencia, pero TODA la locura del vitriolo que se inyecta en las mentes de las minorías sobre cuán terribles son las personas blancas no obliga a algunos a la violencia. Claro que lo hace. Y el NYPD está reconociendo eso en este caso.

Posted By Trang Ánh Nam to Nam Trang Ánh at 3/09/2019 10:24:00 AM

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Rand Paul reportedly to vote against Trump declaring national emergency at border

Breaking! Rand Paul makes the DECIDING vote on Trump’s national emergency

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and other Republican lawmakers are breaking rank with their own party and supporting a resolution to overturn President Trump's national emergency declaration over border wall funding.

"I can't vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn't been appropriated by Congress," Paul said, according to the Bowling Green Daily News. "We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn't authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it's a dangerous thing."


Of course, this is all political and it’s ultimately meaningless because Trump will veto it, and the opponents of his national emergency don’t have enough votes to overcome it. Still, it will hurt him politically a little bit. Not much really. On the other hand, he really needs to expand his support beyond his base, or we’re gonna see a replay of the midterms… also, #MAGA!!!