Los editores ya están compitiendo para sacar provecho del informe Mueller cuando finalmente se publique.
Aunque será un documento público, lo publicarán y lo venderán por casi 10 dólares.
Un editor ya lo ha convertido en un best-seller de Amazon:
Aunque será un documento público, lo publicarán y lo venderán por casi 10 dólares.
Un editor ya lo ha convertido en un best-seller de Amazon:
NY POST – "The Mueller Report" is already a best-seller — even though it may never see the light of day.A publisher has been pre-selling copies of special counsel Robert Mueller's anticipated report on the findings of his investigation into Russia's role in the 2016 presidential election — and it is rocketing up the Amazon charts.Skyhorse's "The Mueller Report: The Final Report of the Special Counsel into Donald Trump, Russia, and Collusion" — with a promised forward by lawyer Alan Dershowitz — is the no. 1 best-seller in Amazon's political corruption section, and was ranked 188th on the online emporium's overall best-seller list as of Thursday morning.But it's still unclear if the report itself will actually be made public. Mueller must submit his report to Attorney General Bill Barr — but it's up to the AG to decide how much of that the general public will see.If there's no public report and Skyhorse's book is never be released, those who've ponied up $9.40 for the paperback or $7.99 for the Kindle edition won't be charged, Money reports.But government reports aren't copyrighted, so anything that does emerge is fair game for publishers — and Skyhorse isn't the only one looking to cash in.Publishing imprint Scribner has also teamed up with the Washington Post on a speculative edition of Mueller's report, which promises "accompanying analysis by the Post reporters who've covered the story from the beginning.""We will publish in full whatever is made public," Scribner told Publishers Weekly. "We will then expect to release an e-book within 2-3 days and a paperback edition within 5-8 days."The Scribner version was only ranked 1,394th on Amazon's best-seller chart Thursday.
Supongo que esto no debería ser realmente sorprendente con la forma en que los medios de comunicación han estado obsesionados con la investigación de Mueller.
Cada vez que sucede algo, incluso algo menor, son mega noticias para los próximos dos o tres días, y los demócratas esperan que finalmente haya algo digno de juicio político.
Probablemente sea inteligente que estos editores hagan que la gente se comprometa a comprarlo antes de que todos se den cuenta de que será un fracaso, al menos en lo que respecta a Trump.
Cada vez que sucede algo, incluso algo menor, son mega noticias para los próximos dos o tres días, y los demócratas esperan que finalmente haya algo digno de juicio político.
Probablemente sea inteligente que estos editores hagan que la gente se comprometa a comprarlo antes de que todos se den cuenta de que será un fracaso, al menos en lo que respecta a Trump.
Posted By Trang Ánh Nam to Nam Trang Ánh at 3/08/2019 08:45:00 AM
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